
Just something to think about. Manipulation. Over the last week or so, for a reason that I can not explain, I have watched more news shows and listened to more talk radio then in the in the past six months. This morning I finally figured it all out. OK, I know some of you are saying “What took you so long” LOL I am not sure how to answer that, but anyway here are my conclusions. First, it is all about big business and high finance. Money, money and more money. Now money is not a bad thing, I have had money and not had money and can assure you that it is better to have it. Some will say that God says money is evil. God says that the love of money is evil and drives people to do bad things.

The whole essence of news and talk radio, all of it, is to blame someone for the problems we have and to instill fear in you that you are going to lose something that you believe you need or have a right to have. Few of these people ever offer real solutions to the problems they report on or talk about. Even fewer of them care about you or I. We are simply the sheep that support them by watching or listening and then buying their sponsors products so they can keep doing what they do. They simply shout about these problems, sometimes frothing at the mouth like a mad dog. They drag those they perceive responsible on their show and for the good of all of us proceed to beat them into what appears to be a babbling fool. We cheer and they all make money.

I also concluded that it does not matter if you are a conservative or a liberal, a Christian or the devil himself, young or old. Does not matter is you watch FOX, CNN or MSNBC or if you listen to Alan Colmes or Rush Limbaugh. It is all the same.

Want to fix this problem? Well guit watching and listening to shows like these that spew hate. Don’t watch or listen to those that can only lay blame. Instead of spending an hour watching FOX or whatever spend it writing a letter to you representative. If you feel your representative does not listen to you, then spend it figuring out who will and how to get them elected. It is our responsibility to change all of this and we can.

Oh, and all the rest of the time you save by not watching or listening to these money hungry people that are bent on simply manipulating you . . . Spend it with your family or friends. Do something you enjoy. Also, pray for this country. With Gods help we can turn this country around and make it once again the greatest country on earth.

Hope you have a SUPER day and may God bless you in all that you do.

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