The Wrong Message

Just something to think about. Erin Cox tried to help a friend when they text her from a party that they were to drunk to drive. For her efforts she is being punished by her school. The school has even lied about her involvement saying she was arrested at the party. The police have said she was not arrested and had not been drinking. She has many supporters as she has started legal proceedings against the s…chool and a few of their officials. However, she does have at least one detractor.

“Underage drinking is so very dangerous, that’s why MADD appreciates this school’s effort,” said Withers, who praised Cox’s intentions but said she should have called an adult. “I’m not there and I don’t know all of the details, but indeed, their efforts to prevent underage drinking through zero tolerance are admirable”

Her intent was to prevent a person, a friend, from driving drunk and she would have if the events had not unfolded as they did. However, MADD thinks she should have called an adult. Let’s be realistic about this kids are not going to do this. The issue I see with MADD’s stance and the school’s is that the next time if a friend text a friend in this situation instead of them going to be the designated driver they will simply say no or just not respond. Their drunk friend is then likely to attempt to drive home, thus putting his life and everyone on the road in danger.

This person should not be punished, they should be looked on as a person that was willing to help, willing to go get a drunk friend and help prevent a potentially horrific accident from occurring. Decisions like these by the school and MADD simply discourage young people from helping. The message that both the school and MADD is sending is just wrong.