Virginia is Ahead of The Curve

Just something to think about. A few days ago I talked about California Governor Jerry Brown and his new law to give driver’s licences to illegal immigrants? And about the magic it provided to the state to create a database with all types of information about the people that register themselves in this category. Well seems that at least one state is ahead of the curve on doing this. Read this and simply think about all the implications associated with doing this. I am sure it is coming to a state near you soon.

If this link does not work for you simply copy and paste it into your browser.

Another Way for the Government to Ignore “We the People”

What’s on your mind? Well just discovered something that would be really funny if it were not so boneheaded. Tried to email my US Representative and Senators. Evidently when the government shuts down the ability of citizens to contact the politicians that represent them is not considered an essential government service. Seems they have found another way to ignore “we the people”.

The Government Shutdown and The Solution

Just something to think about. Just read an article on the shutdown and all this fighting about the Affordable Care Act. The writer has a very simple solution to the problem. Some people think it is the greatest thing since ‘sliced bread’ while others think it is a precursor to Armageddon. In my view nothing would be better than if everyone could have affordable healthcare. The issue I have and that the article I read addresses is that the ACA needs to apply to everyone equally. There should be no exceptions, exemptions or waivers. It is the law of the land and should apply to everyone. Not just those who cannot give tens of thousands of dollars to a political campaign, have political clout because of who they are or who they know or because of their affiliation with some group or company. Not just those that can only afford a silver plan, but to those that can afford a Cadillac plan. Not just the ditch diggers, but the corporate presidents. Not just “we the people”, but our elected representatives, all of them. Everyone. Now the suggestion that Mr. Root came up with is that the party being blamed for all of this needs to pass a simple law and send it to the Senate. It would fund the government, including the ACA, and only have one even simpler requirement that the ACA apply to all of us equally, period. Now is the time for these people to do what is not only right, but that which is also fair to all of us.

Politics – Character and Respect

Just something to think about. Character and respect. At this point I have little or no respect for those ruling this country. Not because of the government shutdown, but because of all the rhetoric leading our country to this point again. This does not apply to just the last few weeks, but for a very long time. Let me say that I respect the offices these people hold. We give the titles like President, Senator, Representative and Speaker. However, in my case these individuals must earn my respect. That comes from character. Bullying, name calling and this “my way or no way” demonstrates character traits that I do not believe in. The lack of civil discourse, willingness to listen to all view points and to negotiate on differences are unacceptable character traits in my view. These politicians, all of them, believe that the way you solve something and getting reelected is by “making you afraid of it, and telling you who’s to blame for it”.

To quote a line from one of my favorite movies “We have serious problems and we need serious people to solve them”. We have a character and respect issue and now is the time to fix it.