Fix vs. Delay – ObamaCare

Just something to think about.  ObamaCare. When will the leader of our government realize that he cannot just change laws at his whim? It’s like, OK it doesn’t work, let ME change this and see if that fixes it. We once again have the Federal Government telling the states and insurance companies how to run their businesses. By the way, changing the law to force insurance companies to sell people the policies they cancelled is not a fix it is simply delaying the inevitable under this massive law. This is a given since under this “fix” (NOT) the same thing will happen at the end of 2014.

It should be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer that ObamaCare is broken. That there are some parts of it that need to be changed. Maybe those that supposedly represent “we the people” could take the time to read it and make the changes necessary to make it actually work. For them that would be something really unique, given that some of them were so proud of the fact that they did not read it before passing it.